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Brookes College Award

By | February 29, 2024

This award was established by Brookes College to encourage and support students in pursuing further education beyond high school.   DONOR: Brookes College WHERE TENABLE: Calgary Board of Education and Calgary Catholic School District (City of Calgary schools only) FIELD OF STUDY: Unrestricted VALUE: Minimum $1,000 NUMBER: Up to four (4) ELIGIBILITY: Open to students  Continue Reading »

Fluor Canada Construction Scholarship

By | April 28, 2023

This award was created by Fluor Canada to support a Centennial construction student enrolling in a full-time Canadian Post-Secondary construction trade program or one related to the construction industry (such as civil/structural engineering, engineering technology, architecture). Donor Fluor Canada Where Tenable Centennial High School Field of Study Construction (construction trade program or one related to  Continue Reading »

EducationMatters Career Pathways Student Award

By | March 9, 2023

The EducationMatters Career Pathways Student Award encourages able and deserving students to pursue further education or training beyond high school. Where Tenable Calgary Board of Education (CBE) Field of Study Vocational, Technical, or Trades-Related Studies Value $1,000 Number Four Eligibility Open to CBE students who will be completing the requirements of a high school diploma or  Continue Reading »

Kermet Archibald & Jacoba Van den Brink Entrance Bursary

By | March 9, 2023

Honouring their mothers, Tony and Kay Van den Brink established this bursary in recognition of students who have qualifications to continue on to post-secondary but do not have the financial means. They wish the scholarship to follow the students to their choice of academic institution to cover the cost of tuition, books and other needs.  Continue Reading »

Benjamin (Ben) Albert Award

By | March 9, 2023

Ben Albert understood the importance of education and the positive impact sports has in a person’s life. Ben had a passion and drive to excel academically and in sport. He proved you could be a top student but also participate and succeed in sports at the same time. The Benjamin (Ben) Albert Legacy Award was  Continue Reading »

Laurie Sommerville Scholarship Award

By | March 9, 2023

The Laurie Sommerville Scholarship was established to recognize students who have the potential to successfully complete post-secondary studies but may not otherwise be able to do so because of adverse life experiences and are in need of some financial support and encouragement. Donor Laurie Sommerville Where Tenable Calgary Board of Education Field of Study Unrestricted  Continue Reading »

Breakthrough Opportunity Bursary for New Immigrants

By | March 9, 2023

This award was established to encourage Calgary Board of Education refugee or immigrant students who have come to Canada within the last five years to continue their education to achieve success in their new lives and careers. Donor Anonymous Where Tenable Calgary Board of Education Field of Study Unrestricted – Students pursuing trades/vocational programs are  Continue Reading »

Ross Glen Scholarship

By | October 19, 2018

The Ross Glen Scholarship was established to celebrate the partnership between RGO Office Products and Lester B. Pearson High School to reward students who are pursuing a career in the skilled trades or postsecondary studies. Mr. Glen is a well-known philanthropist who has been inducted in the Calgary Business Hall of Fame! Mr. Glen earned  Continue Reading »

Bennett Jones Scholarship

By | February 27, 2018

Established in 2011 by Bennett Jones LLP, this award is intended for students who attend the Louise Dean School, Calgary, who are proceeding in post-secondary education to enhance their career objectives. Donor Bennett Jones LLP Where Tenable Louise Dean School Field of Study Unrestricted Value $450 Number one Eligibility Open to students registered in grade  Continue Reading »

Malwyn Jones Memorial Award

By | February 26, 2018

Donor Bowness Lions Club Where Tenable Bowness High School Field of Study Unrestricted Value $2,000 Number Two, with a preference for one male and one female Eligibility Open to students in Grade 12 who are enrolled in an appropriate program of study at Bowness High School and successfully graduate from the high school program. Applicants  Continue Reading »