EducationMatters has partnered with SkipTheDepot to give our supporters a quick and easy way to donate while also keeping recyclables out of landfills.

SkipTheDepot is an Alberta-based door-to-door bottle collection service that makes refundable recycling and fundraising easier than 1,2,3.

  1. Download the app and book a pickup using
  2. Place your bags outside
  3. Donate!

If you use promo code EDUMATTERS 100% of your refund will be donated to EducationMatters.

SkipTheDepot allows you to donate directly to EducationMatters with ease while also saving you a trip to the bottle depot. If you donate more than $20 worth of recyclables by the end of the year EducationMatters will issue you a tax receipt for the amount donated.


Donate your recycling button