Established in 2011 by Bennett Jones LLP, this award is intended for students who attend the Louise Dean School, Calgary, who are proceeding in post-secondary education to enhance their career objectives.


Bennett Jones LLP

Where Tenable

Louise Dean School

Field of Study







Open to students registered in grade 12 attending Louise Dean School in Calgary who are completing the requirements of a high school diploma. Applicants must have a minimum average of 70% and be eligible for entrance to a Canadian post-secondary institution.

The student must demonstrate leadership within the school and/or the community.

Consistent levels of positive active classroom participation, attendance and attitude combined with demonstrated caring citizenship, including positive interactions with the school community and appropriate personal appearance.


Online application available at Applicants should check with their guidance office for more information and are encouraged to discuss their application with the Scholarship Coordinator at their high school.

Selection & Payment

To be eligible, the student must demonstrate both academic success and financial need. Overall contribution to the school as a helpful and cooperative student is considered.

Recipients are selected in July. To claim the award, within twenty-four (24) months of notification of award, the recipient must be registered in an eligible program of post- secondary study in Canada of at least one year duration, or an eligible skilled trades or apprenticeship program. Payments are made to the post-secondary institution.


May 30