University of Calgary Archives - EducationMatters

Tag Archives: University of Calgary
EducationMatters Presents Ksistsikoom

EducationMatters is pleased to present Ksistsikoom on June 2 and 3, 2018 at the University of Calgary’s Reeve Theatre. Grade nine students from William D. Pratt School are working with Kainai Elder Saa’ kokoto to stage an adaptation of his play Ksistikoom, which means thunder.
Aidan Johnson Discusses Student Awards

Aidan Johnson is a graduate of Ernest Manning High School and in 2017 he won three student awards through EducationMatters. Currently, he is studying engineering at the University of Calgary and credits these awards with giving him the opportunity to grow as a person while in school.
2017 Donor Appreciation Event

We were thrilled to celebrate the student success donors like you make possible for Calgary Board of Education students.