Hello Fowler Families!

Spread the warmth this winter break by joining our food drive! Let’s come together as a community and make a difference for families in need. Your generosity can fill hearts and pantries, ensuring everyone has food through the holidays. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to creating a brighter, warmer, and more inclusive community.

We have partnered with EducationMatters for our food drive initiative this year. This food drive is seasonal and will run from November 6 – December 14, 2023.  Donations can be made online. All donations will be turned into gift cards and given to Fowler families in need.

This campaign is officially closed for the 2023 holiday season, however our school can always use your support. If you’d like to contribute to Fowler year-round please donate on our main EducationMatters donation page found at the link below. Thank you and happy holidays!