The Integro Legacy Post Secondary Scholarships were established to encourage and assist students in the Calgary Board of Education Discovering Choices programs to pursue post secondary education to improve their employment options having met the requirements for a high school certificate, diploma or successful high school completion.


Integro Legacy Fund

Where Tenable

Discovering Choices programs, Calgary Board of Education

Field of Study



Min. $1,000


Min. One


Open to students who have attended Discovering Choices for at least two semesters in the current or previous school year. Applicants must have graduated from a Discovering Choices School with a Certificate of High School Achievement, a High School Diploma or have fulfilled the entrance requirement for a post secondary program.

Applicants must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, have applied and been conditionally accepted into a recognized post-secondary program (vocational, apprenticeship, college, university, etc.), as determined by a Discovering Choices staff member, have a reasonable chance of successfully completing a post secondary program and demonstrate financial need.


Online application available at Applicants are encouraged to discuss their application with a member of the Discovering Choices Transition team.

Selection & Payment

Recipients will be notified no later than May 30; award recipients will be selected by the Discovering Choices Transition team and a representative from EducationMatters. To claim the award, within twelve (12) months of notification of award, the recipient must be registered in an eligible program of post-secondary study in Canada or an eligible skilled trades or apprenticeship program. Payments are made to the post- secondary institution.

Funding is also contingent upon the recipient volunteering to return to Discovering Choices School to inspire currently enrolled students to continue their education and plan for their future.


May 30